"Get what others called "the luck" you need at the Flight Attendants Job Interviews!
For us this "luck" means a good Cabin Crew training preparation and the CC Attestation
which it's recognized by all airline companies"
UNIVERSIFLY – the best option for starting your flight attendant career CABIN CREW JOB GUARANTEED
Join Now the next INTERNATIONAL CLASS of CABIN CREW INITIAL TRAINING (English Language) and start the best experience of your life!
Part CC certified training organisation RO/OP-CC-05/1 according to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and (EU) No.965/2012
UNIVERSIFLY has opened its boarding gates a couple of years ago, as an ambitious project, developed with European funding. Since 2014, we trained over 1600 people and over 1200 of our trainees are already hired as flight attendants at the most renowned aviation companies around the globe, like: Etihad Airways, Emirates, Gulf Air, Qatar Airways, Ryanair, Flynas, Oman Air, Wizz Air, Blue Air, Primera Air, Flydubai, Hainan Airlines, Vueling, Lot Airlines, Germanwings, Flygermania, British Airways, Alitalia, Air France, Easy Jet Airline, Blue Panorama Airlines, Tarom, after passing the EASA initial cabin crew training exam, which has brought them succes at the Open Days Recruitment events.
For a cabin crew, home can mean anywhere! As the beginning of your flight attendant career, we propose you a great 4 weeks experience in Cluj-Napoca. UNIVERSIFLY EASA Flight Attendant School is located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Cluj-Napoca is “The Heart of Transylvania” which is recommended as the top region in the world to travel in 2016 by Lonely Planet.
We have the know-how and – most importantly – the expertise necessary to make your dreams come true.
UNIVERSIFLY - FLIGHT ATTENDANT SCHOOL has modern equipment and a simulator for flight attendants. This is the easiest way to quickly assimilate all the new information. This guarantees that, after one month of intense training, our graduates are well prepared for their future flights as cabin crew, within any aviation company around the world.
Our partnership with international aviation companies provides us the opportunity to organize personnel selections for airlines in the Middle East, such as: FLYNAS (Saudi Arabia), GULF AIR (Bahrain), OMAN AIR (Oman).
What can we teach you
138 Hour Training Program during 4 weeks
The topics that we provide as support materials are synchronized with the curricula in schools from countries that are EU member. The international language in aviation, hence in these schools is English.
All the training courses we provide, both theoretical and practical, are according to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and (UE) No.965/2012. All the training materials are developed taking into strict consideration the European Union legislation. - The Cabin Crew certified exam will take place at the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority (RCAA) - Bucharest.
After successfully passing the exam, you will obtain the CABIN CREW ATTESTATION Issued in accordance with Part CC – EASA Form 142 Issue 1 - valid in all EU states, which is essential for working as a cabin crew member and it's recognized by all worldwide airline companies.
These are the steps for a sky-high career.
Which are the training topics that we provide?
What we offer extra
We believe that hard work deserves rewards. Therefore, we strive to offer the best experiences to our students. This is why we have also included leisure activities in the training program, so that you can get to know your fellow trainees, bond and share thoughts and experiences. They might become your future crew colleagues.
As such, the following activities are on us:
Does your profile meet the following three requirements?
If your answer to all three requirements is YES, we have good news: you are eligible to apply for UniversiFLY!
Enroll now and start the best experience of your life!
The importance of the EASA Cabin Crew Attestation
1) For the worlds greatest airline companies Cabin Crew Jobs apply anually over 50.000 people, only a few thousand are selected to participate at Open Days interviews and only a few hundred are hired (approximately 1 person from 100). In this case, the EASA Cabin Crew Attestation is the best advantage for a candidate and will boost his chances to be employed;
2) The large number of UNIVERSIFLY graduates has led to an increase of the number of the open day recruitment events organised by this airline companies in Romania and it has been established a record of the number of cabin crew recruitment events in Romania in 2016;
3) Airline companies such as Emirates and Etihad Airways have directly contacted us to send the UNIVERSIFLY graduates, holders of the EASA Cabin Crew Attestation at their cabin crew recruitment interviews, fact that confirms the importance of the EASA cabin crew attestation for this companies;
4) Thus in addition to the countless opportunities the Cabin Crew Attestation is offering (all European Aviation Companies), it will multiply your chances to be employed as a cabin crew to all worldwide airline companies;
5) At this time, UNIVERSIFLY graduates are working at worldwide airline companies such as: Etihad Airways, Emirates, Gulf Air, Qatar Airways, Ryanair, Flynas, Oman Air, Wizz Air, Blue Air, Primera Air, Flydubai, Hainan Airlines, Vueling, Lot Airlines, Germanwings, Flygermania, British Airways, Alitalia, Air France, Easy Jet Airline, Blue Panorama Airlines, Tarom, Air Bucharest due to the high standards preparation of the UNIVERSIFLY team of trainers;
UNIVERSIFLY - The best investment for your future
Tuition fee
1500 € - For the payment in 3 installments during the training
1350 € (10% off) - For the full payment made before the training start
Bring one friend at the same training session and we'll offer an extra 150 € discount for both of you.
When enrolling, there is a 200 € reservation fee, which is credited towards your cost of the first installment.
CABIN CREW JOB GUARANTEED - Thanks to the success of our graduates to the Flight Attendant job employment interviews organised by the aviation companies, we can guarantee your employment as a flight attendant by refunding half price of the tuition fee, in the unlikely event in which you will fail 10 Flight Attendant job employment interviews after graduation and getting the RCAA Cabin Crew Attestation.
Uncovered costs
After approximately one month after you pass the UniversiFLY exams and finish the training program you have to inform UniversiFLY regarding the date you want to schedule your examination for the EASA Cabin Crew Attestation at the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. All the procedures required for the examination, shall be conducted by UniversiFLY, including the Cabin Crew examination planning at the Romanian CAA. UniversiFLY shall organize for each candidate a file containing copies of the following documents: ID card, Birth Certificate, Cabin Crew Medical Report, CC Application Form (original), UniversiFLY Graduation Certificate, UniversiFLY Cabin Crew Practical Training Certificate and a 3 X 4 format photo. After the file beeing completed, UniversiFLY will send it to the Romanian CAA, before the examination takes place.
Few reasons why our training is a good investment for your future:
1) This is the lowest price for this kind of training in Europe.
2) The aviation companies will always prefer to hire our graduates. It’s possible to spend lots of money and time trying without succes to be hired at different aviation companies. The course tuition fee can be covered by the first month salary which is higher. Your chances of being hired will grow considerably after passing our School. So you will get immediate real chances of being hired.
3) Our best students passed the hiring process for 3 different aviation companies, that’s because our training programme mentioned in your CV is highly appreciated by the best aviation companies. The advantages between different aviation companies conditions (salary, bonuses, location) worth much more than the training investment.
4) First impression always counts and in most cases is hard to be changed! You will have a huge advantage over your new colleagues because you will be already prepared for the job. This can open new oportunities for you like promotions, salary increase or other job offers. This situation will put you in a very confortable position avoiding stress at your new job, which is priceless.
5) This training mentioned in your CV will be helpfull for any other kind of job for your entire career. Topics like Communication, Teamwork, Costumer service, First aid and medical training will always be needed in any kind of job. Also this topics including the Survival techniques in case of smoke and fire and other hazardous environments, Grooming and How to attend a job interview will be very important for your career and for your everyday life.
6) You can also consider that our training can be a lovely holiday, one of the best experience of your life, where you will meet awesome people, great teachers and amazing places, all of this at a reasonable price. The accomodation discount is higher than the tuition fee, also this can be a reason for choosing our training.
Frequently asked questions/ FAQs
Is UniversiFLY only for women?
No, UniversiFLY is for any passionate candidate who aspires to start a career in aviation.
Citizens of Non-EU Countries can attend this course?
Yes, citizens of Non-EU Countries have the possibility to obtain the CC Certificate valid in all EU states by UniversiFLY. For information regarding the travel conditions please check the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs official website, or don’t hesitate to contact us.
Is there a minimum age required for the course?
Yes, 18 years old.
I graduate the High School but I didn't pass the exam after the High School, Am I still eligible for the Course?
Yes, you are! There is no condition for passing the exam after the High School.
Is there a restriction about the maximum age or minimum height for the course?
There is no restriction concerning this issues for the training course, but the applicants should know that most of the airline companies generally recruit people under 35 years old and taller than 1.57 m.
How to book/pay my hotel room?
If do you agree our offer for the accommodation, we will arrange the booking for you and you have to pay at the hotel.
How to get to Cluj-Napoca?
If you have problems in the planning of the journey to Cluj-Napoca, don't hesitate to contact us. We will find the best solution for you. There is a low cost airline company which operates direct flights from Cluj-Napoca to many destinations in Europe, But there is the possibility to not be taken into consideration by the sites specialized in travel planning.
How to get to the accommodation location?
Just send us your arrival date and time and we will pick up you from the airport.
Does UniversiFLY ensures a Job to an airline company?
Yes, Thanks to the success of our graduates to the Flight Attendant job employment interviews organised by the aviation companies, we can guarantee your employment as a flight attendant by refunding half price of the tuition fee, in the unlikely event in which you will fail 10 Flight Attendant job employment interviews after graduation and getting the RCAA Cabin Crew Attestation. Also UniversiFLY ensures you about the following: The experience and the knowledge obtained at our school 1) will place you on the top on the flight attendant recruitment sessions where you will attempt and you will be more appreciated by the recruiters 2) after hired you will be more prepared than your colleagues for the job and also more appreciated by your bosses 3) will be very useful for your everyday life ( First aid and medical training, Survival techniques in case of smoke and fire, Ditching and survival techniques for other hazardous environments, Communication, Grooming, Crew resource management, Passenger relationship management and cabin surveillance ). Also UniversiFLY ensures you that we'll do everything we can to make it be the best experience of your life.